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 Do 23 jan 2025: SAMBA BOOTCAMP with Julia in Den Haag in Den Haag

, Come and dance with us! Learn the basic samba steps.

Eventid 95819
datum Do 23 jan 2025
tijd 20:00 - 21:30
entree 25 euro  
Muziek/dans: Braziliaans, Samba No Pe  
Event: Dansen, Feest met workshop/bootcamp, Cursus, proefles, bootcamp, workshop, open dag (zonder feest), CultuurreizenSamba Bootcamp  
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Koop hier online je tickets voor SAMBA BOOTCAMP with Julia in Den Haag
Bestel hier kaarten voor SAMBA BOOTCAMP with Julia  in Den Haag van Latin Soul Dance in Den Haag op 23-01-2025

Feel the Rio Carnival Vibes in The Hague with Julia! 

Revel in the unique chance to dance with Julia, our amazing instructor and dazzling passista from the pulsating heart of the Carnival de Rio!

Fresh from Brazil`s grandest parade, she`s here to ignite your passion for Samba at Latin Soul Dance`s first-ever BootCamp in the Netherlands.

Spotlight on Latin Soul Dance, Waldeck Pyrmontkade 115, The Hague. Directions here!

Bookings here:

Dive into Julia`s extraordinary journey:

Absorb the rich culture and spirited moves directly from a Rio Carnival star.

Learn the authentic samba that enchanted the avenues of Rio.

Embrace the same festive energy that vibrates through the world`s most famous carnival.

Julia doesn`t just teach dance; she delivers an explosion of Brazilian culture and the exhilarating experience of being a passista amidst the samba schools of Rio.


Grab this opportunity to learn from a true carnival artist. Places are going fast!

To join the fiesta, be part of something extraordinary with Julia, and take home more than moves – take home the soul of Rio!

Meet Julia here:

Koop hier online je tickets voor SAMBA BOOTCAMP with Julia in Den Haag
Bestel hier kaarten voor SAMBA BOOTCAMP with Julia  in Den Haag van Latin Soul Dance in Den Haag op 23-01-2025


Latin Soul Dance  
telefoon +31-657083192  


Latin Soul Dance  
adres Waldeck Pyrmontkade 115  
Den Haag  
The Netherlands
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Routeplanner naar SAMBA BOOTCAMP with Julia in Den Haag

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